The Things I Like and Like to Talk About

Computers and Software

It probably doesn’t take a lot of guessing to learn that a good chunk of my interests involve computers and software.  I’ve been fascinated with both ever since I was young, and still like to dabble in projects from time to time.  Computer projects are fun because you can usually setup a good virtual lab space for developing and experimenting, but the hands on approach of electronics is hard to compete with also.

Television and Movies

I am a big fan of science fiction and all things related.  I don’t catch too much television these days, but I have been watching Doctor Who when the chance is there.  I don’t indulge into the Fantasy genre too much, but I do watch Game of Thrones.  Oh, and BBC Sherlock; such a good show.  Per movies, I have been (mostly) enjoying the comic book movie revolution that has been going on.  It had a good start, then hit some rough spots, but I feel that the Avengers movie really brought things back in line.  It’s hard to find a good and original sci-fi movie these days, as most of them pass under the radar.  I have a large backlog of Netflix to catch up on.

Music and Books

I am almost always listening to all kinds of music while doing various tasks.  I listen to it while driving, while working on projects, and while relaxing.  I am always on the lookout for new things, because it helps to keep things fresh.  Still, if I had to pick out my stuck-on-a-desert-island mix tape, it would probably be almost all classic rock.  Oddly enough, I’ve discovered that a lot of people who work with computers are Weird Al Yankovic fans; I know that I certainly am.  Pertaining to books, I don’t read as much as I want to, or at least the stuff I feel I should be reading.  I am behind on a lot of the classics, and am slowly catching up.

Video Games

I feel that playing video games has become more prevalent with each generation, which is pretty cool.  I know that I certainly enjoy playing them.  I’m not that big into current video game consoles, as most of my games are played on the PC.  Classic consoles on the other hand, like the SNES, are a whole lot of fun to play still.

Electronics and Gadgets

I tend to not go overboard with a lot of gadgets.  I feel that a lot of things being marketed as gadgets are more akin to being toys.  I’m more interested in actual tools, or things that I can build or build with.  The Raspberry Pi project has been pretty fun, and I like coming up with different uses for it.